# [[Matthew McConaughey's motivational speech]] 1. You cannot own a truth, you can only share and apply it. 2. The term "unbelievable" is underrated. Mostly use outstanding. If you can witness or do something, believe it. 3. Give credit to your obstacles; they shape your journey. 4. Don't ask for permission or feel entitled. Face the reality that life is neither easy nor fair. 5. There's a significant reward when you put effort into attaining your goals. 6. Embrace discomfort; it's through discomfort that you find comfort with yourself. 7. Find joy in the moments of struggle and make peace with being alone. 8. Don't re-engage with the world until you're content with yourself. 9. Constantly pursue what you aspire to, and always keep moving forward. 10. Happiness is an emotional response to outcomes, which can often lead to disappointment. 11. Instead, seek joy - a constant feeling you have from doing what you're designed to do. 12. Your identity is shaped more by defining what you're not rather than what you are. 13. Money has become a measure of success today, but it doesn't have to be. 14. Reconsider what success means to you; it could be a healthy family, spiritual soundness, or leaving the world a better place. 15. Prioritize who you are and who you want to be. Avoid anything that antagonizes your character. 16. Life is not about popularity; it's about being brave and taking responsibility. 17. Freedom comes with responsibility and vice versa. 18. The experiences we earn ourselves, through hard work and persistence, stick with us and build resilience. 19. Making irresponsible choices can lead to a lack of freedom in the future. 20. We can make selfish choices that are actually selfless, and vice versa. 21. Appreciating your past, investing in yourself, and taking responsibility are keys to freedom. 22. Building courage makes you stronger, more aware, and more respectful of yourself and your fears. 23. Emphasizes the importance of self-belief and determination in achieving success. 24. Speaks about the value of defining your own success, beyond materialistic measures. 25. Highlights the significance of the process, not just the end result. 26. Stresses the role of discomfort and struggle in personal growth. 27. Points out that both responsibility and freedom are interconnected. 28. Advocates for the true understanding of self, by acknowledging what we're not. 29. Concludes with a note of gratitude and a call to courage and bravery. ### Reference 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8OySa4uZmU